Found 1 blog entry tagged as rodeo calendar.

Calgary Stampede History

To celebrate the culture and romance of the vanishing “Old West”, a successful trick roper and performer named Guy Weadick organized a world-class rodeo competition more than a century ago. He named this event “Stampede” and found support from the Big Four - the most successful ranchers of Southern Alberta: Pat Burns, A.J. McLean, George Lane and A.E. Cross.

First Calgary Stampede in 1912.Launched in September of 1912, the first Calgary Stampede featured bronc and roping events, with participants from all of the North American West. It was a successful event. However, the outbreak of the first World War and the economic depression initially prevented the Calgary Stampede from becoming an annual event. But then, Weadick was called back to Calgary in 1919…

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