Sunset Homes incorporates "Green Building" in Homes

Gaining extensive experience over the years, Sunset Homes has become one of the best infill home builders for attached, semi-attached and detached single family homes in Calgary's rapidly growing inner city. Sunset Homes - Calgary Inner City BuilderThis luxury infill builder recently expanded by building traditional and modern homes in some of the new communities in Calgary's outlying areas.

Sunset Homes - Calgary Inner City BuilderSunset Homes incorporates "green building" techniques – the next trend in home building and is in the process of becoming a Built Green Canada member, having acquired its EnterGuide certification from Natural Resources Canada. Green building benefits include higher value or resale value of home, competitive materials cost and healthier home life for the family.

For each project, Sunset Homes' team of professionals creates modern, functional and energy efficient homes, allowing its clients to personalize and customize the new infill. The team devotes its skills and expertise all throughout the building process to produce well-enhanced finished products.

Courtesy of: Sunset Homes

Posted by Ross PAVL on


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